Two years ago, our company embarked on its first journey into space: on August 9, 2022, we successfully launched our first satellite, Geoscan-Edelveis, into orbit from the Baikonur Cosmodrome!...
The conference organized by non-commercial “Space Education Development” with the support of Geoscan will be held on October 5, in the framework of the international event “Road to Space”....
Last year, Geoscan, in collaboration with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), launched the SONIKS project dedicated to establishing a network of open ground stations in schools and additional educational organizations across Russia...
Our experts continue their successful endeavors with unmanned aerial systems abroad, and this time, we've conducted a geophysical survey in Laos. The client for this project was the local firm ATLANTIC, specializing in the exploration and extraction of valuable minerals. ...
On February 18, Geoscan-Edelveis, the first private CubeSat from St. Petersburg to venture into space, successfully concluded its mission and decayed, burning up in the Earth’s dense atmospheric layers....
Our company's team conducted an on-site training session on the operation of the Geoscan 401 Lidar UAV for specialists from Vietnam's Department of Topography, Cartography, and Geographic Information....
StratoSat TK-1, the first satellite built by Geoscan for a client, blasted off into orbit from Vostochny Cosmodrome on June 27. The satellite went online as expected, and accomplished one of its key tasks, deploying six Stratonautica PicoSats...
August 9 marks exactly one year since our first satellite, Geoscan-Edelveis, blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on its journey to the orbit. To celebrate the anniversary, we have completed the flight test program and successfully trialed the cold gas thruster for CubeSats in outer space – the first achievement of this kind in the Russian history.